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17) Grand Art

new art

to buy and rent

art show for everyone

Thinking boy with earth globes on his side

Why do we like art at Grand Art Show? Why we enjoy art at Grand Art Show? Why we try to make art at Grand Art Show? Why do we buy art? Why do we love those who create it? What is it that makes us so drawn to it? Grand Art Show welcomes you to new way to enjoy art. We want you to get in touch with new ideas, new beliefs, new ways. We want to be part of the artists’ inner world. We love to see people sharing all kinds of art and want the artist to connect with them. We work with artists that listen to their true voice of creation.Grand art show green button A fair piece of art often reflects a rare set of ideas hidden deep in the artist’s mind. But every artist decodes art in his own way, adding his own unique flavor to his version. There is no rival to art when it comes to the unique skill of creative excitement. We don’t want the artists to exist in a lonely place. We want them to join our family. We want them to share their thoughts and reflect and discuss how they feel. While looking at art, we lose ourselves in a tiny self-created world. When an art work is real, we forget about the world around us, it is just us and the art work. A true piece of art lets us forget our daily problems, our fatigue from life’s journeys. A true piece of art pries us away from the commonplace side of our life, so that we feel recharged and restored.

Our Journal is a place to pay special care to the project of art in modern culture. We are always asking ourselves a question. Is art relevant in recent culture? Or is recent culture relevant to art? In today’s world where we have a 24 hours media, we can no longer say that art alone is leading the way we consume culture. But at least through art we can get unique viewpoint and ask the pressing questions we are facing today.

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16) Blog Oversal

Blog Oversal

we provide

effective and consistent

Boy in blue top looking up

A blog is a way to talk to people you want to keep in touch with. A blog consists of discrete entries displayed in reverse back to front order. You make a blog by writing entries in reverse order. Most of them allow you to leave comments and even message each other. Blogging can be seen as a form of social media service. Many blogs target a particular subject. Others function as online diaries. Others target brands from unique firms. A normal blog is made of text, image and links. Blogs can also link to pages. Blogs are popular because they allow people to interact through reading and writing. Most blogs are made of text, although some focus on art, photographs, videos, music and audio. Micro blogging is another type of blogging showing very short posts. Blogs can be used to educate and instruct the public.


Personal blogs and micro blogging. There are many different types of blogs. Blogs differ in the way that content is sent or written. A personal blog is a daily diary or a review written by someone. Micro blogging is best answer to sent short news. Micro blogging can use short videos to support the message. Micro blogging offers a mobile link mode. Micro blog feels fresh and modern to many that’s why it has become trendy. Friends use it to keep in touch. Small and larger businesses use it to arrange meetings or share useful assets. Others use it to arrange their daily schedules. A wide and growing range of add-on tools enables updates and synergy with other apps. UEP – user effect PR. User Effect PR is a new way of using blogs. It has created a link between business and consumer. Through our blog you will be able to find up to date news about Oversal Media.

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15) Pixploitation Oversal

pixploitation oversal

and illustrations

images to make you think

Boy in blue top resting his head in his hand

We showcase intelligent images. We like to work with images that make you think. Rather than just give you visual stimulant we want to connect with the public. We want more than visual values. Pixploitation Oversal doesn’t intend to provoke, upset, put down, annoy or single out anyone. We just want to create a good debate. We love to create images that make us reflect. We want our work to be about our own lives and ask questions about our world. We strive to provide our viewers with images that capture our fears and desires. It is vital in today’s world to test our world views. We like to reach other human beings in order to explore our own human needs. We are keen to know how living in a diverse world can act as a way to connect our lives.


At Pixploitation Oversal we don’t make a photo just with the camera. We try to serve the complex conflict of human being as they go along with their lives. We are keen to explore the mental link of other cultures as they interact in an ever shrinking world. We try not to go in for one special style or resource. We accept that the visual medium can be the best tool any gifted person can use to show ideas. Like the contrast between black and white photos and color and the emotions that come with it.


Photography does not differ greatly from other creative media like painting, sculpture, art and music. You just simply have to make it work and speak for you. If you are able to connect with your images, you will be able to link up with others. Photography is not something you take, but something you make. A great image is one that fully shows what one feels.

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